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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Walk The Walk

Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving), I received my first order from Farm Fresh to You. I have been so excited about this program for so many reasons. Primarily, I am happy to be part of a movement that promotes healthy eating by providing me and my family with farm fresh, locally grown, organic produce. Because they are grown organically and are shipped locally (I ordered the Valley Box) I am doing something that is good for the environment, by supporting the CSA I am supporting the efforts of local farmers to produce items that are better for our bodies and our planet and finally (last but not least) I am supporting the temple.

Do you want to know why I am so excited about this program? Why I keep posting it on my Facebook page and tell everyone I know at the Temple to please join in? It is not only because the Temple gets $15 for every order you make; it is because I really want us to achieve good health and feel good about ourselves. I cannot tell you how many times a week I get stopped by a mom as I run up and down the stairs at Aliyah in my workout gear. People tell me that they "do not know how I do it," that they "hate to exercise," that they wish they had the "determination, the desire, the will."

What I can say is there is no huge secret; you just have to do what you can and know that everything counts. Every time I hear that someone has been prescribed meds instead of exercise and diet for a disease that was largely caused by issues with weight management it kills me. I do what I do because I want my children to see me work hard at being healthy. I know that there are illnesses that we will not be able to avoid but I need to know that I have done everything in my power to avoid them. I would hate to think that my children will be saddled with my care because of my own negligence.

If you really want to get healthy and do something that is good for you, for your family and for the environment this might just be the perfect way to start - one step that might lead to many more healthy steps. All you have to do is order the box, cook the food and put it on your table. Voila! You are on the path to good health and that is something to be truly thankful for! So please join me in wanting to maintain healthy bodies, a healthy mindset, and doing our part to heal the world.

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